Friday, April 10

An Easter Epic

{image via}
Once upon a time in a small old New Eggland town
called Sunnyside up over the hill from Omelet . . .

A town meeting was called by the
town mayor, Mayor Benedict. The
residents were hard-boiled to stop the
invasion of epic proportions, but it
was too late. They came over-easy by
land and sea. The residents scrambled
to stop them - but . . .

Oh, no!
It was tooooo late - the Peeps
have arrived in droves!

{The End}
by Marcia Boucher

Today, we had a little contest to keep our creativity level high, and our Good Friday spirits up. The contest was of the Easter egg decorating variety, one especially stood out, as this little tale accompanied the presentation.

Although we were eggstatic, we should not forget our friends that celebrate Passover! Lots'a matzah ball soup and a wonderful holiday to you!

{image via paurian on flickr}

And to everyone, enjoy the Spring weekend! We are a little softboiled around here. {wink}

1 comment:

Sprout said...

Printing this for Francoise!